Its been a while since the New year has begun....yet nothing really new has happened. I realized I have not visited my blog in a while and then I stumbled upon this .. a friends thoughts
WHAT IF .......
WHAT IF .......
What happened if a young boy/man exposed to all the political and religious strife, accidently stumbles to a future thoughtway, and is brought into a futuristic world, totally disconnected from his own ?
What if the greatest impact that it makes on him, are not the tecnological advances, but the maturitry level reached in human interaction ?
What if the political divisions cease to exist, and all of problems are met with a unified response ?
What if the earths natural resources are not depleting, but being constantly relenished in a whoilistic cosmic recycling process ?
What if there still exist religious differences, and yet no blood is spilt ?
What if crime as it exists today does not in the future ?
What if all consciousness is connected at a particular level, and yet an individual identity is maintained ?
What if the governance practised is a “rolling” decomcaracy, with the leadership mantle assumed by excellence ?
What if in future people see each other as living beings, filtering out their predjuices of religion, rafe or sexual preference ?
What if marriage is a thought process, governed by noboby other than your belief, that nobody can take away ?
And what if this young boy comes back home, not understanding whether his journey has been to the past or the future ? Primitive in terms of technological advancement, yet they were more developed
WHAT IF ......